Area 86 (itch) Mac OS

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  2. Area 86 (itch) Mac Os Update
  3. Area 86 (itch) Mac Os 11
  4. Area 86 (itch) Mac Os Pro

Hero's Hour is a game inspired by the Heroes of Might and Magic turnbased strategy games. 'Hour' refers to the more fast-paced gameplay, with combat taking place on a real-time simulated battlefield. MySQL GUI Tools Manual.

A downloadable interactive scene for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Created for the 2016 Fermi Paradox Jam, Radio Silence is a game for the curious.

Choose any star using your trusty periscope and scan it with your terminal. Maybe you'll receive a message today. Or you can transmit a message and hope someone out there will find it some day. There's got to be someone else out there, right? In the meantime, at least you get some stations clearly on the radio!


Use only your mouse to play.

  1. Click the periscope, then a star, then leave the periscope view.
  2. Click the computer terminal, then scan the star. If there's a message, it'll appear.
  3. If there's a message, the computer will display it, but it probably won't be anything recognizable.
  4. If the computer can translate a letter, it will, and any time you get that letter in the future, the computer will automatically translate it.
  5. If you want, you can send a message to the selected star by building a sentence from lists of words in different categories, but the transmitter is very old and takes some time to recharge between sending messages.
  6. You can't receive messages that you've sent yourself.
  7. If you'd like (and we encourage you to do so), you can listen to one (or all) of the radio stations that your bunker can receive.

You can control the volume for all sounds and music from the radio volume knob.

You can quit the game with Esc or by choosing Close Game from the credits screen (the question mark in the bottom left corner).

Simple cad models. Volume, notes, and translated letters save from session to session, so if you get all the letters, you'll be able to see any messages you find right away.

A major graphical update may be coming in the future, so keep your eyes peeled for that!

Also, Paws Menu, the musician and designer of this game, also made a game for the Fermi Jam called Fermiphonic, so go check it out and leave a comment!

PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
AuthorAlamantus GameDev
Made withUnity
Tagscommunication, eerie, fermi-paradox, Low-poly, messages, radio, Relaxing, slow-paced, stars, terminal
Average sessionA few minutes

Install instructions

Extract the files from the downloaded zip file and run the relevant executable:

  • Windows: Make sure the Data folder is in the same place you extracted the .exe file to, then open the .exe (32-bit only, but will run the same on 64-bit installations)
  • Mac: Just run the .app file
  • Linux: Make sure the Data folder is in the same place as the script files, then run the .x86 if you're on a 32-bit OS or the .86_64 if you're on 64-bit.


Development log

  • Instructions are Now Inside the Game!
    Oct 14, 2017

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I just gave the Linux build a try, there's that screen that says 'click to start', so I clicked, and.. nothing happens, the game doesn't start :'(

Oh dang! Thanks for letting me know! I wasn't able to test the Linux or OSX builds, so I was just trusting Unity to build them correctly..

I don't know when I'll get a chance, but I'll try to debug the Linux build! What distro are you using? I believe Unity targets Ubuntu specifically, so that might be part of the issue?

Hello again, and sorry for the late answer.

I'm using Arch Linux, but I'm not sure this is the problem since I've had some other Unity games work just fine, particularly here on Itch (and Arch Linux even has a bunch of versions of the Unity editor that we can install)..

Intriguing but confusing, as I only saw the text on the page after trying. Shame on me.

Thanks for trying it out, but it's too bad you didn't know what to do! I guess I should probably add some instructions in-game as well, or else make the correlation between clicking on stars and using the terminal more clear..

Anyway, thanks for playing! :)·View all by Alamantus GameDev·Report·Embed

ATTENTION: The demolishing tool is currently gamebraking bugged. You will not be able to place any more buildings after using it. Sorry for this, do not use it please.

This is our contribution for MiniLD69 on Ludum Dare (

Area 86 (itch) Mac Os X

Yabac is aimed at an oldschool audience that enjoyed classics such as Anno or The Guild. Right now, there is sadly only very little to do. Our time did not allow for more gameplay elements to be added before the end of MiniLD69. However, depending on feedback, this project will be continued, as we like it quite a lot up to now.


  • randomly generated world map
  • classic resources and production chains
  • soundtack generated by AI
  • quirky zoom and fullscreen support (beware of bugs)
  • lots of missing gameplay


Simply download the distributed package for your operating system. It should work right out of the box. Attention Linux users: Unfortunatelly, there is no easy way to distribute a Love2D app for Linux so far. You will have to get a hold of the packages yourself as described here (

How to play

After starting up the game, you are sent of to a randomly generated world with some starting resources. Right now, there are only a few types of buildings and resources, namely:

  • thalers (currency, used for buildings, generated by taxes from houses)
  • wooden logs (chopped down trees by a lumberjack)
  • timber (used for buildings, produced at the sawmill, needs wooden logs)

Area 86 (itch) Mac Os Update

Batman vs superman free. and

  • house (some living room for your tax payers)
  • lumberjack (chops trees to wooden logs)
  • sawmill (produces timber from wooden logs)
  • forester (replenishes trees around the area)
  • road (connects places, right now useless though)


There is no goal yet, which is the biggest letdown of this release. The time just did not suffice to introduce additonal gameplay elements. However, we plan on continuing the development of this little game with your feedback should a general interest for this arise.

Shortterm Roadmap

We will continue to work on Yabac on a hobby basis for now. Our next steps will be the addition of gameplay elements, namely more resources and production chains as well as making a further step in the direction of a real goal. Certain buildings will need to be connected via streets, population will need caretaking, new buildings will no longer be able to be placed at will but following a certain ruleset (i.e. fishermans hut only in the viscinity of water).

Known bugs

  • Zooming and using the fullscreen mode can lead to ugly seems and rendering bugs. This is partly caused by the way Love2d handles SpriteBatches.
  • Switching between the different states (building, selection, demolishing, etc.) may cause undesired behavior
  • Demolishing destroys more than the area indicator shows - nasty.


If you enjoyed this prototype and would like development to continue on this game, or if you have any ideas or suggestions on what to implement and how to improve the experience, please let us know in the comments. Nothing is more motivating than your feedback.

Area 86 (itch) mac os pro
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
AuthorTeam Klaus Klapper
Made withLÖVE
Tags2D, City Builder, Cozy, Economy, LÖVE, Ludum Dare, Sandbox
LicenseGNU General Public License v3.0 (GPL)
Asset licenseCreative Commons Attribution v4.0 International
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse
LinksLudum Dare, Source code, Homepage

Install instructions

Area 86 (itch) Mac Os 11

Simply download the distributed package for your operating system. It should work right out of the box. Attention Linux users: Unfortunatelly, there is no easy way to distribute a Love2D app for Linux so far. You will have to get a hold of the packages yourself as described here (



Area 86 (itch) mac os 7

Area 86 (itch) Mac Os Pro·View all by Team Klaus Klapper·Report·Embed